
The best way to understand your dog’s behavior is to understand what their actions mean. Canine Journal can give you advice and feedback that will have you, your dog, and your family on a level of understanding that will make it fun and rewarding to live together. We address both ends of the leash in our behavioral topics, as it’s just as important that your pup understand your actions and the reasons behind your behavior.

Doodle dog about to poop on sidewalk looking at the camera.

Why Do Dogs Circle Before They Poop? 6 Reasons & Other Fun Facts

Owning a dog comes with a lot of questions. Owners constantly strive to learn more and find the answers to specific health, diet, and behavior inquiries. One common behavior in our canine companions is spinning before they poop. Why do dogs spin and circle before they poop? There is more to this behavior than one might think. Dogs circling before pooping is normal, and there are a lot of myths and misconceptions. There are a few things owners should know about this behavior.

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spraying a bad dog chewing on a shoe

Best Anti Chew Spray For Dogs: For Chewers, Bad Behavior & More

Dog ownership is amazing, but it does come with some challenges. One of those challenges is chewing. Chewing is a common yet perplexing and sometimes long-lasting problem. Dogs love to chew, but sometimes they prefer to gnaw on furniture, household items, shows, and even their own paws and limbs rather than treats and chew toys. There are a few different reasons dogs chew. One method to discourage them is using anti-chew sprays. Like any other product, finding the best anti-chew spray for dogs depends on your pup’s chewing triggers, habits, health, and individual situation.

Best Anti Chew Spray For Dogs: For Chewers, Bad Behavior & More Read More »

Rocco & Roxie no chew spray on shoe

Bitter Apple Spray For Dogs & Your Best Anti-Chew Alternatives

Puppy and dog chewing is normal behavior because canines use their mouths to explore the world around them (and help relieve teething). But excessive or destructive chewing can be a frustrating problem with some of our furry friends. If you’re looking for the best solutions to deter your champion chewer, you’re in the right place. We’ve got expert tips on how to stop the incessant chomping, including our top picks for the best bitter apple spray for dogs.

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dog grinding teeth looking at camera outside in the grass

Dog Grinding Teeth: Why They Do It & How To Stop

Dog owners often observe their pets grinding their teeth. This leads to many questions and concerns. Grinding teeth together is called bruxism and can affect dogs, cats, and even people. Though not all dogs grind their teeth, some do, and there are a few reasons behind it. While mild grinding may not be cause for concern, if it happens often or your dog clenches their jaw, there might be cause for concern. Owners need to know why pets experience bruxism, when to call the vet, and how to stop dental grinding.

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Dog shaking water off (Caption: Dog Shaking Explained)

Why Is My Dog Shaking Or Shivering?

Ever wonder why your dog shakes all the time? Why is she shaking? You may notice that your dog shakes when she gets out of the water, but dogs shake when they’re dry too. Your dog may shake after greeting people, while playing, when getting up, or readjusting to a different position. Each shake has a different reason. You may also notice that your dog’s shaking is more like shivering or trembling – and there are other reasons for that too.

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Two aggressive dogs fighting in the snow.

23 Dog Attacks By Breed: Top States & Stats

Owning a dog is a wonderful privilege and a huge responsibility. Along with the many positive benefits having a canine companion brings. Unfortunately, some occurrences, like bites and attacks, can be scary. Some breeds are more prone to biting than others, and owners must be aware of this. Canine attacks happen for a variety of reasons. Circumstances, ownership, care, and genetics all play a role. We discuss dog attacks by breed and get into the details owners need to know.

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Puppy sniffing dirt (caption: Why do dogs eat dirt?)

Why Do Dogs Eat Dirt? (Is It An Unhealthy Habit?)

Dogs love digging holes in the ground, but what happens if they take it a step further and eat the dirt? In addition to making them a muddy mess, is ingesting soil harmful to your pup? First, you need to determine the frequency of your dog’s dirt disposition. If your dog consumes soil infrequently, it’s probably fine (but it’s always good to discuss this with your vet). However, if your dog routinely devours dirt, there may be cause for concern…

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A dog biting persons face

What Do I Do If My Dog Bites Someone?

So many questions come to mind when you think about what would happen if your dog bit someone. “What do I do to stop my dog? Is everyone okay? Do I need to call for help? Do I report the incident to someone? Could I get sued?” My dog hurting someone is the last thing I would ever imagine. Not only could someone get seriously injured but my beloved pup could be taken away. As dog owners, it’s important that we know what to do should our dogs bite someone.

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Two dogs growling and playing together.

Why Do Dogs Growl When Playing? Fighting, Avoidance Tips & More

Whenever we roll up to the dog park, our dog is always excited to play with all the pups. After a little bit of running around, the dogs start to get extra friendly, growling at each other while playing. It made me wonder, are they being aggressive, or are they just playful growling? I also worry if playtime will lead to escalated aggression and why do dogs growl when playing in the first place. Let’s dig in more as to why a dog growls when playing so we can monitor the situation and ensure it doesn’t turn into something more serious.

Why Do Dogs Growl When Playing? Fighting, Avoidance Tips & More Read More »

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